Friday, May 25, 2018

Discussion: Quad Aegis

Today we have a special guest: Nezzy, who will be sharing with us his knowledge and opinion on the famous support magi, "Quad Aegis"!

ShiShui: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself Hunter?

Nezzy: Hi everyone! I'm Nezzy, a proud member of clan Dragon Project Singapore [DPS]! I started playing DP on Christmas 2017 and fell in love with this game from then on. I'm pretty much a dreamer/thinker in real life, so I like to spend most of my time theory crafting stuff on DP (I'm active in game too). My favourite weapon type is definitely Heat Bows - damage, support and flexibility all in one! I'll be working closely with Shishui in the future, so expect to see more of me!

ShiShui: I am so happy to have you here Nezzy!! 
To start off.. Can you tell us a little bit about the Magi? (QA:  Quad Aegis)

Nezzy: QA has been worshipped as THE support magi ever since Dragon Project existed. 200% shield and anti-stagger means you can go all out on behemoths without a care in the world. However, do remember most of the hype for QA comes from a time where few behemoths had rage (and even fewer had debuff moves).

ShiShui: When do you think QA will become obsolete due to these new mechanics?

Nezzy: It is noteworthy to point out behemoths of present and future will almost always have Rage mode (Tower/Arena above Lvl 150) as well as a debuff move (think Gory and Azdaja, Tzaran as well). Trying to build a playstyle around QA will pretty much become obsolete in a month or two's time. That being said, QA is indeed a powerful magi with little to no drawback. Relatively decent charge speed, fairly low cast time, and can be enhanced by stacking HP. Other than not being able to charge itself while in effect (which would break the game if it could honestly), status effect damages (burn, poison, freeze) DO pierce the shield, so take this into consideration.

Shishui: Hmm.. Since it is becoming obsolete soon.. Should we still pull for QA now?

Nezzy: Please do not assume I am trying to dissuade you to pull. Please do go ahead and pull for QA, it is a very valuable and worthy magi. What I mean to get across is QA should be used with careful deliberation. Used with timing and precision, it will allow you to deal aggression that would otherwise be impossible. Used carelessly, all you will be tanking is jellies and vaccas. Those Lvl 300 tower behemoths will still shred right through you (anti-stagger tends to invite extra hits).

Shishui: That was a great review on QA! Thank you for sharing with us Nezzy! 

Nezzy: Thanks for reading all the way! Good luck with your pulls!

Nezzy will be appearing on the blog often to share with us some of his insights, analysis and reviews on current and new banners! So do look forward to seeing more of these discussions!

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