Sunday, April 17, 2016

Summoning Tips and Tricks!

So you just started Dragon Project and you have alot of questions mainly:
Is this game free to play?
Where do i start?
How can i advance in the game as fast as possible?

Personally i feel this game is very free to play (as compared to other games which doesn't give away gacha credits often), they are very generous when giving out gems as long as you are active. There are daily missions, weekly missions, story missions, and events where you can earn Gems which is used to summon behemoth and magi. You might have heard from some people that it is not free to play, you cant advance in the game without paying, the devs are greedy etc. Yes free to play players would not advance as fast as pay to win players to a certain extent (im talking about people who spent over thousands of dollars), but it is not impossible as long as you follow the following tips and tricks!

Save Save Save!
Both tickets and gems can be obtained from missions and events. However, Tickets can only be used to summon Behemoth while Gems can be used to summon both Behemoth and Gems. Also, Tickets have an expiry date and only Gems can be used for Step Up Gacha.

What you should do is to complete all the Story Missions which would give you about 4k gems or so. As you do Story Missions, you get better with the controls and also with time, understand the game better. Save all that 4k gems and use it on 1 banner that you really like! 4k gems should be able to get you one complete set of equipment (unless you are unlucky..) I know it is tempting! What i do to resist the temptation? I use the ticket summons everytime i have enough :P You can't use tickets to get the effect of the step up gacha so the rates are really low as compared to you using gems to get the rates up for the next summon.. So might as well try my luck on ticket. 95% of the time i get nothing from ticket summon so.. Just do it! :P

Do NOT spend the gems everytime you have enough.. It will be hard for you to get any set of equipment as the gacha banners only last for a few weeks (some even days). You would have to grind the Story Missions hardcore to spam on that banner before it ends :P Secondly, make sure you do the Daily Missions and Weekly Missions! Completing Daily Missions gets you 5 gems everyday and competing all the daily missions 7 days a week would get you 25 gems. In total, you will get 60 Gems per week. After you complete your Story Missions, you will have to complete Limited time Events for gems! They do give a generous amount of Gems too (About 100 or more per event), and save again for the next set!

Read more about Events
Read more about Missions

What about tickets?
As mentioned above, Tickets can only be used to summon behemoth while Gems can be used to summon both behemoth and magi. So it is important for you to use tickets on the behemoth and gems for magi. Because magi plays an important part of the game too! It could determine whether you fail that fight! It's not all about the equipment. Magi and Equipment work hand in hand. The best way to get a balance between Magi and Equipment is to use gems for magi and tickets for behemoth summon. Tickets can be obtained easily from events and weekly missions. After you get a decent attack/support/recovery/passive Magi, you save all your remaining gems for behemoth summon!

Read more about Magi

Oh one last thing!
It is highly recommended to summon a behemoth/magi only when you have enough for a 10+1 summon. Normally, it cost 150 gems for 10+1 magi summon and 250 gems or 50 tickets for a 10+1 behemoth summon. While.. it cost 15 gems for a single magi summon and 25 gems for a single behemoth summon. You get where im coming from! :P Oh and the 11th summon will be Guaranteed S and above too!

Dont be too upset if you didn't get SS! Because S, A and B tablets can be used as Limit Break materials!

Read more about Limit Break

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