Sunday, June 18, 2017

[SS Magi] Broom Torpedo

Magi Description: 

Rides on a flaming broom and dashes forward to deal fire dmg, charges other magi by little when hit, invulnerable while on broom. ❈Invulerable from riding till end


130 Seconds


Cool halloween magi which allows you to ride a broom and dash towards the behemoth. You are invulnerable during flying so you can use the iframe to dodge ultimate attacks or any deadly attacks. It is long range, however, the damage it deals is low and it does not have a burn debuff. Good for collection LOL 


I believe everyone have different playstyles. So instead of rating the Magi according to myself, i will include other player's opinion also. This way you can have a better overview of the Magi from different perspective.

Lets hear em from the Elites!

Dreaper: Auto track and have burning effect. Iframe while riding makes it a good magi to dodge behemot ulti. But damage is not much and long casting speed. Plus after hitting the behemot, you will still move foward a bit from behemoth body, making it not effective for short ranged user.

Crzyapple: iframe magi that also charge other magi when used, you may want to use this magi for survival reason, best for weapon who have double support or double attack magi.

(iframe magi: this magi give you i-frame when cast it, mean you cant be hit when casting, good to dodge deadly attack from behemoth, best suited for weapon that dont have Heal magi slot)

Shane: Halloween themed magi where the hunter rides a broom to the behe (Iframe while riding & will wait for the behe for a few secs if it jumps) which damages behe & charges other magis on contact, however the dmg and magi charge is meh. Overall may be useful for dodging some ults & roleplaying as a witch/wizard.╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚

LeoNaxus: Auto track and have burning effect. Iframe while riding makes it a good magi to dodge behemot ulti. But damage is kinda low. It doesnt have a brake pedal :rofl: so it'll keep moving a bit after you hit it


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