Saturday, June 26, 2010

Team Unknowns

Shishui: Lets start off with.. How did you come up with the Team name "Unknowns"? 

Team Unknowns: This is our 2nd time making it to the Finals of Battle of the Greats. Previously, our team was known as Sunrise Runners since one of our team mates had to stay up very late recording till the sun rose for him. And this time round (for  BOTG3), we decided we needed a cooler moniker hence "Unknowns".

Also, partly due to the fact that no one outside of our clan & friends will know us anyway.

Shishui: No way... I see you guys in arena lots of times! Im sure people know yall!!

Shishui: What are some challenges you faced when tackling floor 116~120? What went right and what did u struggled with?

Team Unknowns: 
We think our biggest challenge is the same as with other teams - that #$?%!* Rhino. Chiefly because we use 3 ayame snc and 1 tzaran sdb which can deal little damage to the rhino and it drain our time in every run.

Shishui: How did u tackle those challenges?

Team UnknownsOur strategy to take down Rhino is to fatigue it as fast as we can - with all 3 Ayame user just do normal slash combo to the core, its hard to aim our claw to catch and slash it.
We tried swapping out an ayame user for an ovid user but alas, it didn't work out. 3 ayame users still better than 2 ayame + 1 ovid.

Shishui: Can u share with us some cool tips and tricks used for the behemoths in tower?

Team UnknownsAgainst Arma freeze, our SDB member buff with neurotoxin and fire demon blast beam to paralyze, so our snc users can go all in without getting counter by it. Meanwhile our Ayame users try to build up soul gauge ASAP as well as fatigue it.

Not sure if it was worth it in the end, but we used Geist Geyser passive magi as well (for those who had it). It helped ensure we could grope that pesky reaper and end it quickly.

Shishui: What was your motivation for BOTG3?

Team UnknownsMoney? Fame? Both plus we get to hone our skills. And more importantly ‘Play with friends’ and have some fun in competition

Shishui: How did u feel about the new rule change between the Qualifier and the Final round?

Team UnknownsThe rules didn’t change much since we are in minor league, but being allowed to use support magi certainly helped us a lot.
And we all want the next BOTG to limit even more, perhaps we can all go naked next time. ðŸ˜›

Shishui: What did u learn from BOTG3?

Team UnknownsLearn to communicate better with friends. Every hunter in our team is from 4 different country!

And now we know whats more important to have in order to be a good player in Dragon Project:
"Network speed > Phone > Skill > Full set -Team Unknowns, 2018"

Shishui: Lastly, any words to the hunters out there?

Team UnknownsBuy more gems and pull more to support DP -HEEHEE-

Just kidding, what we really mean is everybody have the chance at BOTG. It s not all about whale and you win the competition we use 3 Ayame and 1 Sdb, all 4 of us total 10 incanation. First member 4 incanation 2nd member has 3 incanation, our third 3 incanation and our fourth run with 0 incanation.

Come join in on the fun for the next Battle of the Greats! Thanks all

Thank You Team Unknowns for your time!

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