Thursday, June 7, 2018

Discussion: Grinning Sisters; Ayame and Yurami!? BYP!

Shishui: Welcome to another episode of.. 

Before You Pull (BYP)

By Nezzy! 😍

Shishui: Yup this series is gonna be called "Before you pull" because you must read it before you pull.. Ok lets cut my nonsense and pass this on to Nezzy!

Nezzy: After an endless barrage of revivals and revamps, the Grinning Sisters : Ayame and Yurami have finally broken the curse cycle and graced us with their presence in Heiland. Ayame's Fire SnC and Yurami's Earth Soul GS are one of the more coveted sets in DP history. In fact, if you are a regular patron of Shishui's blog or Karyu's database, you will know that many veterans from both global and JP give very high ratings for the sisters.
Shishui: All hail Fire SNC!!! (Voice echo-ing in the background)

Nezzy: But hold your impulse hunter! While the community has pretty much agreed the sisters' sets are golden goods, majority of us have neglected to consider the flip side. What are the potential weaknesses or drawbacks of the sets? Luckily for you, I've already done the thinking.

Who doesn't love a little controversy?

Ayame : Fire SnC

For majority of hunters, the limelight falls onto the armour pieces. Boasting 24% soul charge AND 24% soul mode damage, it is without doubt one of the best snc abilities around. On the other hand, the weapon grants 22% attack speed, a very interesting ability when put on SnC. Allow me to explain why.

Bonus attack speed means your combo time is shortened drastically, which translates to more hits and faster fatigues! Superior aggression! Sounds good right? Here's the trade off : Faster combo time equals lesser iframe duration. If you're one of those spoilt plebs used to dodging behemoth attacks with SnC's long iframes, you may find yourself in an awkward spot. On top of that, you will have lesser delay time to decide which swing finisher to end with. Not a major problem, but one you might stumble on when trying to maximise your damage output.

Yurami : Earth Soul GS

Perhaps the less popular due to popular opinion that soul GS is bad. But I assure you, Yurami is a cleave cut above the rest. In a full 7/7, her stellar 73% lethal draw  reduction and 66% soul charge is what defines the set. This combination empowers you with shorter downtime for soul mode and maximises the damage output of lethal draw. The ability to spam high damage lethal draws means more reliable dps and faster magi charge.

Downside? Soul GS's  innate weakness of having a linear attack pattern, leading to a rather rigid playstyle, and the fact that the set has weak mobility, which results in a technically demanding yet deceivingly simple weapon.

And that's about all from me! Hope you had a good read and managed to takeaway something yourself! 

Good luck for your pulls!


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